Next webinar

October 10 at 12 pm and 7 pm ET

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Research Bites has moved!

Research Bites is now hosted on a different platform.

The Research Bites program is still the same - but the webpage has changed. Please click the button below to be directed to the new site.
alert dog listening

Additional member benefits

Research Bites is so much more than just a monthly webinar.

  • Access to the full length version of the Research Bites podcast.

  • Coffee Breaks - live "ask me anything" calls with Dr. Spaulding - 3 times a month

  • Discounts on multi-week courses

  • Access to a private student only Facebook group

Research Bites content

See what we've covered in previous months

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    Important membership information

    • Research Bites Orientation

    • Navigating the Course

    • Monthly Zoom call information

    • Research Bites Coffee Breaks - schedule and Zoom information

    • Discount codes for multi-week courses

    • Link to member's only communities

    • Zoom tutorials - get more comfortable navigating Zoom meetings

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    Bonus material

    • Bonus webinar CEU forms

    • August 2023 - Natural behavior and well-being NOTES

    • August 2023 - Natural behavior and well-being

    • August 2023 - Natural behavior and well-being (audio only)

    • Flow video - May 2023

    • Flow audio only - May 2023

    • May 2023 - Flow - Handout

    • May 2023 - Flow - NOTES

    • Bonus webinar links to papers

    • Burnout notes - Feb 2023

    • Burnout video - Feb 2023

    • Burnout audio only - Feb 2023

    • Cognitive Flexibility video

    • Cognitive flexibility - audio only

    • November 22 - Cognitive flexibility - NOTES

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    Research Bites podcast

    • Season 1, Episode 1 - Dr. Monique Udell

    • Season 1, Episode 2 - Dr. Ádám Miklósi

    • Season 1, Episode 3 - Dr. Erica Feuerbacher

    • Season 1, Episode 4 - Dr. Mindy Waite

    • Season 1, Episode 5 - Dr. Marina (Nina) von Keyserlingk

    • Season 1, Episode 6 - Changes to the podcast

    • Season 1, Episode 7 - The Story of Finn

    • Season 1, Episode 8 - Dr. Sasha Protopopova

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    August - Early stress

    • August notes

    • August recording - audio only

    • August video recording

    • August paper

    • August CEU form

    • August handout

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    July webinar - Human/dog cooperation

    • July video recording

    • July - audio only

    • July notes

    • July CEU form

    • Link to July paper

    • July handout

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    June webinar - Anxiety and the dog brain

    • June 2023 - notes

    • June 2023 video recording

    • June 2023 - audio only

    • Important links (CEU form and paper(s))

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    May webinar - Breed and cognition

    • May video recording

    • May - audio only

    • May 2023 - notes

    • May 2023 - handout

    • Link to May's paper

    • May CEU form

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    April webinar - Pet Parenting style

    • April video recording

    • April recording - audio only

    • April 2023

    • Link to April's paper

    • CEU form

    • Frans de Waal TED talk

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    March webinar - Enrichment and resilience

    • March lecture notes

    • March recording - video

    • March recording - audio only

    • March CEU form

    • Link to March paper

    • Zoom call information for March

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    February webinar - What do we really know about socialization?

    • February lecture notes

    • February recording - video

    • February recording - audio only

    • Link to February paper

    • February CEU form

    • February Zoom call information

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    January webinar - Assessing self-regulation (executive function) in dogs

    • January lecture notes

    • January recording - video

    • January recording (audio only)

    • January CEU form

    • Link to January paper

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    December webinar - A Year in Review 2022

    • December lecture notes

    • December recording (video)

    • December recording (audio only )

    • December CEU form

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    November: Dog-owner relationship and emotional arousal

    • November - full video

    • Clarification video - Heart Rate Variability

    • November - audio only

    • November CEU form

    • Link to November paper

    • November lecture notes

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    October - Do dogs grieve?

    • October webinar - full video

    • October recording - audio only

    • Link to October research paper

    • October CEU form

    • Oct 2022 - notes

    • October transcript

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    September - Fear Rehabilitation

    • Q & A with Emily Patterson-Kane and Kristen Collins of the ASPCA

    • Sept 2022 notes

    • September CEU form

    • September webinar - full video

    • September webinar - audio only

    • Link to Second Chance Dogs documentary

    • Sep 22 - Transcript